Red Hat certification

Prove you have the skills open source enterprises want

Red Hat® certification validates IT professionals who are skilled, proven, and ready to take on the most ambitious projects in the face of evolving technology challenges.

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Value of Red Hat certification

Red Hat certifications span our entire technology portfolio, bringing confidence to individuals and organizations alike. Whether it’s enterprise architecture certifications, core Linux® system administration skills, developer knowledge of specialized frameworks, or emerging technologies like containers and cloud, Red Hat knows the skills that are needed for success.

If you’re already certified, show that your skills are up to date by renewing your certification or display your certifications through badges and swag. You can also find or verify Red Hat Certified Professionals to help build an efficient, innovative IT team.

Fill your skills gaps

Build your resume and your team by matching skills and products to our certifications.

Develop technical talent

Chart your IT certification roadmap

Keeping pace with changes in technology is hard enough; recruiting and managing IT professionals who embrace those changes is harder. Bolster the readiness of your team and mitigate the risk involved in new projects by certifying with Red Hat.

Our approach

Why you should get certified by Red Hat

Performance-based testing application

We validate knowledge through hands-on, real-world skills instead of memorization and multiple-choice questions.

Exam security

Red Hat’s commitment to secure testing environments and systems ensures the integrity of our certifications.

Convenient ways to test

With a host of virtual and in-person options, we offer multiple ways to test to fit your lifestyle.

Global program

We offer our exams at locations and facilities worldwide and there are Red Hat Certified Professionals in more than 200 countries.

Icon-Red_Hat-Media_and_documents-Quotemark_Open-B-Red-RGB Red Hat's constant evolution, accompanied by relevant training and certifications, means growing alongside the very pulse of the industry.

Gang Cheng

Senior Infrastructure Engineer, 2024 Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year